HGVS Recommendations for the Description of Sequence Variants: 2016 Update

http://varnomen.hgvs.org/recommendations/, 描述规则基本格式为:[identifier]:[levels].[Description of variant]


  • only public files from NCBI or EBI are accepted as reference sequence files
  • a reference sequence file identifier should contain both the accession and version number
  • specifications to a specific annotated segment of a reference sequence can be given in parentheses directly after the reference sequence
  • the reference sequence used must contain the variant residue described



Reference Sequence Types主要有g, c, n, m, r, p六种,其中c, p, g使用最多

[Description of variant]

  • 替换
    • cDNA: c.255C>A
    • protein: p.Trp24Cys, p.Trp24*, p.Cys188=
  • 缺失
    • cDNA: c.19_21del
    • protein: p.Lys23_Val25del
  • 插入
    • cDNA: c.240_241insAGG
    • protein: p.Lys2_Gly3insGlnSerLys
  • 重复
    • cDNA: c.20_23dup
    • protein: p.Ser6dup
  • 插入缺失
    • cDNA: c.142_144delinsTGG
    • protein: p.Arg48Trp
  • 移码突变
    • protein: p.Arg97fs


  • 坐标系统为 1-based,
  • 描述核酸和蛋白变异的差别,g.123A>Gp.Trp26Ter
  • 可使用在线网站 mutalyzer 检验变异描述是否合规,也可进行c -> g坐标转换等等

